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The Emma Coop . @emma,

We're trying something new! Join us Thursday Dec 7th 5:00 p.m. NYC time for the first ✨ EMMA Skillshare ✨ a livestream of our talented members sharing their skills and techniques with each other and the world!

Follow us here or subscribe to our new YouTube channel for updates!

This week @nasser shares how he solved tricky audio/state synchronization problems for a client's experimental interactive performance piece by pushing JSON data over a QR code video feed 👀

Open thread
Ramsey Nasser . @nasser,

I'm very excited about this! one of the best things about working at EMMA is the amount of support we give each other in our internal channels. The hope behind this is series is to be more structured in that knowledge share and let people listen in on our conversations in the hopes that they are useful outside of the coop 🙏 drop by on Thursday or grab the recording afterwards!

Open thread