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Profile for The Emma Coop. Username @emma, Role: admin


EMMA is a worker-owned creative technology cooperative. We make software, art and games, teach and organize together and individually.
This is account our presence in the fediverse!


Joined on Jan, 2023. 90 posts. Followed by 246. Following 22.

Recent posts

The Emma Coop . @emma,

We're trying something new! Join us Thursday Dec 7th 5:00 p.m. NYC time for the first ✨ EMMA Skillshare ✨ a livestream of our talented members sharing their skills and techniques with each other and the world!

Follow us here or subscribe to our new YouTube channel for updates!

This week @nasser shares how he solved tricky audio/state synchronization problems for a client's experimental interactive performance piece by pushing JSON data over a QR code video feed 👀

Open thread
The Emma Coop . @emma,

After a very busy 2022, we have some space in our schedule to take on new clients.

We are a group of highly talented creative technologists with decades of professional experience building interactive installations, games, web, mobile and AR/VR experiences between us.

If you are interested in working with us, please contact us here or by emailing We'd love to figure out how we can bring our skills to bear on your project.

You can find more information about who we are and the expertise of our individual members at

#freelance #coop #creativetechnology #ar #mobile

Open thread
The Emma Coop . @emma,

Hi Fediverse! We're EMMA, a small worker-owned creative technology cooperative from NYC. We are software engineers, artists, game designers, teachers & organizers.

We created EMMA in 2022 as a way to support each other & combine our freelance practices. We had a great first year and we're excited about 2023.

You can learn more about who are at

If you are interested in working with us or discussing coops & technology, this account is a great way to start the conversation!

#coop #cooperative #nyc #intro

Open thread